Rune Sejten

10 years as director for NMF

This year it is exactly 10 years since we made a generational handover in NMF.
Therefore, our director Rune Sejten can celebrate his 10th anniversary as responsible for the development of NMF.

The specialist journal Rent i Danmark has stopped by regarding Rune’s anniversary and that is now an article in the specialist journal.

You can’t say Nordisk Microfiber without sustainable cleaning so naturally, the interviewer touched on this topic:

“Today everyone consider environment and sustainability in the running of their company. But for Rune Sejten sustainability and recycling has been a fundamental condition in order to develop the business. In this way, Rune has through NMF (Nordisk Microfiber) taken part in setting the direction for a sustainable development in the cleaning business”.

If you want to read about NMF’s journey the last 10 years, then take a look in the latest edition of Rent i Danmark. In the article, Rune also unveil what we are launching in autumn 2022.

Read the article here.